FIE Italia

Federazione Italiana Escursionismo

Il nuovo sito della FIE

Si ricorda che a partire dal 1 agosto 2022
è attivo il nuovo sito della FIE:

Tutti i contenuti recenti possono essere visualizzati
solo all'indirizzo nuovo.

Questo sito resterà attivo fino al completamento
del trasferimento degli archivi al nuovo indirizzo.


Segnalazione (spero che l’inglese sia più o meno accessibile a tutti…) ricevuta dall’ instancabile amico Mimmo Pandolfo (CR Campania):

qui trovate tutte le info sul nuovo bando della Federazione Europea Escursionismo per ECO AWARD 2013. Candidate i vostri progetti.. il rischio è di venire selezionati per uno dei tre premi da assegnare.



In liaison with its partner – GDF SUEZ Foundation – ERA is again setting up in 2012 for the third consecutive year a contest to reward European ramblers’ initiatives in favour of the protection of the environment and the footpaths, significant for sustainable development, etc..


Who can enter ?

Organizations directly affiliated to ERA or through their associations may participate in this contest. These organizations may be represented at the event by an individual or a group of people.

What are the actions to be presented?

The actions presented in the contest must

  • highlight the walking activity and the rambler’s environment
  • contribute towards a friendly environmental way of walking

Selection criteria:

A single action only can be submitted at the enrolment.

The action presented should ..

  • be already carried out and finalised
  • have a real impact on the environment
  • take into account the specific environmental regulations in force in the different countries (e.g. official acts, quality standards, etc..)
  • be creative and innovative
  • be taken as an example to be duplicated elsewhere
  • be achieved in partnership with local authorities

The action can be …

  • a “one shot” or a long term one
  • managed at a national, regional or local level

Actions, which do not meet with these selection criteria, will not be accepted!

What are the prizes to be wined?

The first 3 best actions will be awarded a financial prize of:
1 500 € (1st prize)
1 000 € (2nd prize)
500 € (special prize)

Furthermore all applicants not awarded with a prize will receive a diploma so long as all the selection criteria have been met.

The detailled entry form and the participation conditions can be downloaded here:

Endfassung_e_2013.pdf Endfassung_e_2013

FIE Italia © 2017 • Via Imperiale 14 • 16143 Genova GE